In March of 2020, while the world took on a new burden, most people carried it too. For me, I came to a realization that my self care at the time was not enough to surmount the collective pressure I was feeling. Like all challenges in life, there is always a silver lining. For me, […]
Continue Reading »May we all be kind always for we do not know what internal struggles someone else might be facing. May we help eliminate suffering, never contribute to it no matter how justified we feel is our cause. May we truly listen to others with an open heart, to open our eyes and our hearts […]
Continue Reading »“Each of us has the potential of being given a gift by the divine which results in the body and the soul being unified…a great many people will experience the blessings of the divine. Through it the human being will first be made healthy, and then peace of mind and joy of life will […]
Continue Reading »Just for today, do not anger. Just for today, do not worry. Honor your parents, teachers and elders. Earn your living honestly. Show gratitude to all living beings. As we all walk through this time of change, may it teach us to return to love. In interpreting the five principles of Reiki […]
Continue Reading »Did you know? Reiki is Love, Love is Wholeness, Wholeness is Balance, Balance is Well being, Well being is Freedom From Disease. -Dr. Mikao Usui
Continue Reading »During the 20th century, there were relatively few studies conducted on the efficacy of energy healing. With the turn of the 21st century, that has quickly changed. In just the past few decades, the body of evidence to support the effectiveness of energy healing is growing with more than 100 published studies, 49 of which […]
Continue Reading »Do consciousness and intention matter? A science experiment conducted by researcher Dean Radin of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) shows that it most certainly does. This amazing study may provide insight and lend support to the mechanisms that are at work in the healing techniques of Distance Reiki and other distance energy healing […]
Continue Reading »~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Remove the cause and the effect no longer exists.” -Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, Reiki Grand Master While Dr. Hayahsi shared this wisdom in reference to the Four Aspects of Reiki, it might apply to many facets of life. As it applies to Reiki, let us understand the Four Aspects of Reiki: (1) Healing Practice […]
Continue Reading »Salt Cave, Ellicottville, New York Last year I had the opportunity to visit a unique Himalayan salt cave tucked away in an out-of-the-way part of western New York just over the border from upstate Pennsylvania. Far from Tibet, my visit to this cave was one of the highlights of my east coast experience. Known […]
Continue Reading »It wasn’t that many years ago when chiropractic and acupuncture were considered too alternative to be considered by western doctors as serious, nonetheless to be covered by insurance. Today both are endorsed by the American Medical Association as viable forms of healing and most insurance companies offer at least partial coverage for either. Time […]
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