
The Origins of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki



Reiki originates from an ancient  healing system accessing life essence or Universal Life Force Energy to restore equilibrium and symmetry to the body, mind and spirit.  The Japanese tradition may have been passed down by spiritual people in India and Tibet, remaining relatively unknown to the western world until recently.

The divine life essence is referred to by many different names depending on the tradition of the culture and/or religion: life energy, universal force, life force, chi, qi, ki, taksu, orgone, prana, kundalini shakti, source, soul, The Holy Spirit, The Beloved, etc.  It is precisely this divinity that is accessed when energy healing transpires.

The story of the rediscovery of Reiki begins with Dr. Mikao Usui, a mystic, sage and scholar from Kyoto, Japan.  In the late 1800’s, Dr. Usui embarked upon a several-year quest to find out more about this ancient healing system, inspired by the hands-on healings performed by many saints across the millennium of multiple cultures reporting healing of mind, body and the emotional self through spiritual means.  His experience culminated on Mount Kurama in Japan, when after a 21-day period of meditating and fasting, Dr. Usui experienced a ‘satori’ or awakening when he received the Reiki symbols  and instructions on how to activate the healing process in others.  Not long after a devastating earthquake in Japan, Dr. Usui  took to helping to people, traveling throughout Japan teaching and healing people.  After establishing a clinic ‘shinryōsho’ in the 1920’s and implementing the Reiki Gakkai, he partnered with a well respected Japanese medical doctor.  Enthusiastic about their partnership as Dr. Hayashi brought clinical credibility to the Reiki clinic, before his death, Dr. Usui  taught 2000 pupils, 20 of which were initiated as Reiki mastersNear the end of his life, Dr. Usui  initiated  Dr. Chujiro Hayashi as Grand Master to carry on in his memory.

After Usui’s death, Dr. Hayashi became Dr. Usui’s primary successor establishing another clinic in Kyoto, Japan.  It wasn’t long before Dr. Hayashi was recognized by the Emperor of Japan who decreed Reiki to be a national treasure.  Dr. Hayashi continued to pass the knowledge of Reiki on to 13 Reiki masters before his own death in 1940.  This included the first female Reiki masters, Chie Hayashi (Chujiro’s wife) and Hawayo Takata of Hawaii.  Hawayo’s initiation in to Reiki was exceptional as she was the only foreigner taught by Dr. Chujiro and the only person trained in Reiki to teach outside of Japan.  It was Hawayo Takata who brought Reiki to Hawaii and established a small clinic for nearly a decade on the Big Island of Hawaii before moving to Oahu to reach a broader audience.

Before Takata’s death in 1980, she mentored and initiated 22 Reiki Masters in the Japanese tradition of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki spreading Reiki throughout the islands and to the mainland United States and Canada.  After Hawayo’s transition, her grand daughter Phyllis Furumoto became the Spiritual Lineage Bearer of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, a position she held for four decades, holding the Essence of Reiki.  Phyllis committed her life’s work to teaching and sharing Reiki with the global community upholding the Japanese traditions of Reiki as they were passed directly down to her through her grandmother from Dr. Chujiro Hayashi.

Through Phyllis’s continued dedication to her grandmother’s teachings, she preserved the unique Japanese traditions of Reiki taught  in the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki lineage.  With Phyllis’ global work in the Office of the Grand Master, students and practitioners of Reiki have grown exponentially.  Before Phyllis passed in 2019, she turned the reigns over to Johannes Reindl of Austria who remains the Spiritual Lineage Bearer of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki carrying on the traditions of the Grand Masters that have come before him representing the Usui Method of Natural Healing.

Those trained in Reiki have had the energy channel activated by a Reiki Master enabling them to provide hands-on healing to others.  Accepted globally and commonly used to treat emotional and mental distress as well as chronic and acute physical problems, the practitioner uses light hand placements to transmit healing energy to balance, harmonize and heal by replenishing the Universal Life Force Energy that becomes depleted from stress, emotional upheaval, disease and trauma, all of which compromise the immune system, lead to fatigue and depression and are pre-dispositions to illness.

Reiki does not stem from or require any particular religious belief, though stories of Buddha, Jesus Christ and other mystics acknowledge that hands-on healing is both a sacred and an ancient healing tradition.


Reiki Treatment

Reiki (Image by Kai Miano from Pixabay)


Reiki provides an opportunity for the body to reset itself, to come in to alignment with Universal Life Force Energy.  When stressed, the body, mind or spirit can become depleted of vital chi or qi energy, in Hawaii known as ‘mana’.   Reiki restores any lost vital energy which allows for the body, mind and spirit to return to balance.   In this way, Reiki releases pent up energy in the body that is not serving its higher good and charges the body with Source energy for a boost of the mind, body and spirit.  Reiki works by filling a vibrational gap and restoring the body to wholeness.  In this way, if you are experiencing a Reiki session for the first time, you will have a more impactful experience if you save it for when you are depleted rather than when you are feeling at the top of your game.

For more insights on what you might expect from a full Reiki session, click here.


The Way of Reiki


Healing Reiki
The *Five Principles of Reiki:

Just for today, do not anger.
“I accept what is and what isn’t.”

Just for today, do not worry.
“I project a positive future.”

I earn my living honestly.
“I am honest.”

I honor my parents, teachers and elders
“I am respectful and respectable.”

Show gratitude to all living beings.
“I am kind.”

*These principles are adapted from “The Reiki Handbook” by Larry Arnold and Sandy Nevius (Harrisburg, PA, PSI Press,1982). Variations of the principles have evolved over the generations, still the basic precepts remain synonymous among the different Reiki lineages. Below the principles, the affirmations indicated by quotation marks are written by and a daily practice of La`Ren Kristen embracing the heart of Reiki presence.

Lotus (icourtesy of Pixabay)

Reiki Client Comments

“It was so lovely to meet LaRen.  Her guidance and gift of healing has changed my trajectory.
In the future, I think I’ll refer to my life as ‘before LaRen’ and ‘after LaRen.’
I am so grateful she is sharing her gift with the world.  My experience was truly amazing and really special.”
– Emma S. 

“What an incredible session.  OMG, just an amazing blessed day.
I really felt the intensity of the transmission during the treatment.
Mahalo nui loa for the incredible healing.”
– Melanie B.

“La’Ren has a divine ability to channel healing energy from spirit. I was amazed at how peaceful and
relaxed I felt after my healing session with her.”
 – Don S.

“I think often of my beautiful experience with LaRen and it fives me strength to carry on and persevere in time of need.
I am grateful for her thought which I carry on the inside of my soul and feed me through life’s pressing passages.
LaRen is a wonderful healer.  I hope one to make it back to the island for more of her personal aloha.”
– Scott S.

“I am so grateful for LaRen’s healing treatments, along with her wisdom and guidance which mean everything. I have nothing but love, light and gratitude for her work.”
– Kyla C.

“We booked a group class for six students, two of whom are already Reiki Masters.
We are all beside ourselves about how happy we are with our Reiki experience with LaRen.
We are feeling blessed and are looking forward to treatments and more training from LaRen.”
– Tanya C.

“LaRen is a blessing.  I am grateful for everything.  After my session, I felt very wonderful, like a whole new person,
lighter, like a bubble floating along.  I had significant back pain at the start of the session and by the end,
I had no pain at all.  It was an incredible experience.  I really appreciate her insights, positive affirmation and inspiring words.  They really help so much.  I feel like the Universe are and I are on the same page.
I am telling everyone about LaRen.  I know so many people who will benefit from her work.”
– Teryn W.


What to Look for in a Reiki Master or Reiki Master Teacher

If you are located outside of the Hawaiian Islands and interested in pursuing Reiki treatments or training, start by identifying Reiki Masters or Reiki Master Teachers in your area.   You may consider starting with the International Association of Reiki Professionals.  Once you locate healers or teachers in your area, you might consider reaching out to them directly.

If you are primarily looking for a teacher, you might begin by gathering information about the content of their Reiki curricula.  Questions to consider might include their professional background and Reiki lineage, how long they have been teaching, pre-requisites for each class,  how many levels of classes are offered, how many hours of instruction are required at each level,  is a certificate granted at the end of each class, how many initiations or attunements are provided at each level?   Are the initiations one-on-one or are they conducted as a group?  How much time is dedicated to each initiation and how much time is dedicated to the hands-on practice of Reiki?

Be mindful of teachers who are willing to hastily move students from one level to the next; look for teachers who teach in the tradition of the early Reiki Grand Masters.  For example, be aware of classes that are taught in a single day or classes that include multiple levels in one training. Reiki training should be offered over two or three consecutive days and be comprised of a minimum of  12 -14 hours.

Look for teachers who offer the proper number of initiations or attunements at each level; for instance a Level I class should consist of four initiations or attunements – some classes consist of only one attunement which opens the Reiki channel but shortchanges the student from the additional three attunements that cleanse, strengthen and balance that channel, likewise levels II and III should include two additional initiations or attunements each.  Avoid large group class scenarios that are inherently limiting and often offer a group attunement; small classes offer more time for learning and for hands-on practice and provide ample time to receive all of the initiations in the Usui tradition.  One-on-one initiations or attunements provide the key not only for activating the Reiki energy within but also for  stabilizing and balancing the energy within the kundalini, the auric field and the energy system as a whole.

While history, theory and concept are easy enough to convey remotely, there is no substitute for one-on-one personal initiations or attunements.   If online training is your only option, be sure the online workshop is live and interactive and limits the number of participants so there is ample time for the Reiki Master Teacher to share individual attunements remotely with each participant.  Many students who choose an on-line course report a lack of connection to the Reiki energy.  When presented in the spirit of the Grand Masters, an intimate personal Reiki training establishes an authentic connection to Universal Life Force Energy or Reiki.  Students appreciate first hand the profoundness of the Reiki energy, something not easily conveyed from prerecorded or written material alone.

Above all, listen to your heart and you will be guided to the right person.    I like to work with teachers and healers with whom I have an easy rapport.   Working with Energy Medicine, connect with a person with whom you resonate.  A good Reiki Master will encourage time for quiet reflection at the end of a treatment session.  One insightful question of the Reiki Master might be to inquire about their lifestyle, how do they nourish their mind, body and spirit?  Reiki is a path of purity.  Personally, I am very selective about whom I allow to work on me.  I prefer to work with those whom make healthy lifestyle choices, are drug and alcohol free and ideally enjoy plant based nourishment.  I strive to be the clearest conduit I can possibly be and seek others who do the same.

You might also ask how often he or she practices self treatments and  how the Five Principles of Reiki are integrated.   This provides tremendous insight on their relationship and understanding of Reiki and directly reflects their ability to share Reiki with others.  A healthy Reiki self care practice might include two or even three treatments per day, a minimum of one hour for the day with a meditation on The Five Principles of Reiki, which are at the foundation of Reiki practice.   The daily self practice is at the heart of Reiki and is how one heals oneself.   Self healing is integral to the practice of Reiki and a consistent self care practice allows one to move through the challenges of life most effectively and to guide others to do the same.  A Reiki Master who practices daily self treatments never goes more than 24 hours without going within and connecting to Universal Life Force Energy.  Honoring the wisdom of the elders through The Five Principles of Reiki yields a deep understanding , connection and reverence of Reiki.  A Reiki Master dedicated to his or her own self treatments will be more effective in passing it forward to others and will convey the importance of self care to maintain balance and well-being.

While finding the best Reiki Master  may seem challenging, you can ease any effort on your behalf by giving thanks to the Universe for guiding you to the perfect person to work with.  Trust you will be led to the right person.   In time, you will likely find yourself pleasantly surprised, receiving Reiki healing and/or training from the Reiki Master that is meant for you.

Lotus (courtesy of Pixababy)


Reiki Student Comments

“I feel so blessed to have connected with LaRen.  I loved everything about my Level I Reiki class
including the great little space. I learned so much and am so grateful for this t
ransformative experience.
I appreciate LaRen’s teachings and her heartfelt time.   She is a beautiful ray of light and an amazing teacher.
I can’t wait to continue practicing Reiki. I am full of love and gratitude.”
– Kaitlin A.

“I took first and second degree Reiki from LaRen.  I specifically wanted to learn from her as I heard many
great things about her. …An enlightening and empowering journey, I feel so much gratitude and love from
LaRen and am always much lighter after her workshops.  With endless gratitude, I can’t wait to
take her Energy Medicine workshop next.”
-Hannah M.

“LaRen is a wonderful and personable being and so knowledgeable on Reiki.  I feel incredibly blessed. I am looking forward to continuing the next level with her.  The level I class was a good balance of textbook materials and hands-on practice.
I appreciate all the love.  She is a beautiful soul.
Ellie T.

“I had no idea that the Advanced Level III Reiki Class would give me the personal growth that it has. The learning, the knowing – it has all exceeded my expectations. I am still beaming from this experience and am forever grateful.”
– Cindy S.

“My first appointment with LaRen was so powerful that I decided to sign up for her workshops to learn more about energy healing. I took the Reiki class first primarily for self healing and am hopeful to help others. I’m glad I did. I truly had no expectations of this class. It was great. I enjoyed gaining wisdom and healing. This was a lovely experience all around.”
– Rayshel A.

“My first degree Reiki workshop resulted in a transformative expansion and quieting of my energy field.
I feel happy, healthy and free and thankful beyond measure for these enrichments to my life, the sharing/
teaching of Reiki, its rich history, the Grandmasters, and to top it off, the attunements were absolutely
Beyond this World….life enhancing.  LaRen is gifted.  I appreciate her vast, deep healing practices and
inner wisdom.  She generously shares healing resources, modalities as well as life and health aides.
I feel one step closer to fulfillment and am truly inspired.  I love my daily Reiki self practice.
Beyond the amazing connection to source energy, I am delighted.  LaRen is the real deal!
Her treatment/class environment has lovely energy filled with crystal, healing wands, divination tools
and love. I truly appreciate LaRen’s infinite wisdom, insights, humor, story telling, connection to
super consciousness and the beauty in which she enriches the world around her with.
With deep heartfelt appreciation, love , light and laughter,
I highly recommend LaRen as a gifted Reiki Master and healer.”
-Jewels M.

“I am so grateful I found LaRen, a beautiful being with a wealth of wisdom.  For the longest time, I have been curious
about Reiki and its origins.  LaRen was clear, detailed and very in tune with the needs of her students. ….
The daily Reiki grounding meditation she taught me has kept me centered.  (After my return to work, I)….
recovered to a state of each much more quickly than I ever have before.  I am thankful for her
continued support of my Reiki journey.”
– Katherine E.

“After receiving many in person and distance sessions with LaRen and experiencing her amazingly deep work, I took a Reiki level I workshop with her even though I was trained as a Reiki Master 25 years ago.  LaRen provided an excellent course, much more comprehensive than what I remember.  She created a sanctuary to learn the foundation of Reiki with clear directions and examples in life where Reiki can be shared for the highest good.  As a long time practitioner and teacher, LaRen follows the guidelines set by her Reiki Master based on the traditions of the GrandMasters as they have been passed down through the lineage.  While receiving not just one attunement (as in my first course), I received four attunements over the course of the two-day workshop with LaRen.  These were incredibly potent.  I could really feel the presence of the Reiki Grandmasters in LaRen’s attunements.  I am so honored to have received these extraordinary attunements from LaRen and to participate in this valuable first degree Reiki course.  I received so many beautiful insights, beyond just the Reiki lessons and have so much gratitude for my time with LaRen.  I look forward to returning for the second degree course.”
– Katie W.

read more reviews here


“When we lift someone up, we are all on higher ground.”
– author unknown


Detox Wellness Consultants LLC dba Halai Healing Place



Reiki is not meant to be a substitute for a one-on-one relationship with a qualified
medical professional and is not intended as medical advice.  Results vary widely;
Reiki is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Hāla'i Healing Place
P.O. Box 1094
Kailua Kona, HI 96745

Journey to the Center of You - Renew