
Photo by David O. Baldwin


Spanning nearly three decades, LaRen’s yoga experience has been extensive, working with teachers  from all over the globe.  Perhaps the most influential has been a rare opportunity to work one-on-one with one of the world’s foremost master teachers, Maty Ezraty, founder of Yoga Works in Santa Monica, California.  Maty practiced extensively with the late Iyenger and Pattabhi Jois and specializes in teaching teachers.  La`Ren  studied privately with Maty to fine tune her own practice, broaden her understanding of the fundamentals of yoga while focusing on strength and alignment ever deepening her connection to yoga.

Passionate to share the essentials of yoga,  LaRen has taught  at many venues over the past decade.  Since she relocated her personal residence to the north end of the Big Island, LaRen has taken a hiatus from her weekly public classes.  She has rededicated her time to her true passion of working one-on-one with students through private instruction where she too has gained the most benefit from her personal mentors.   While her office remains in the village of Kailua Kona, she is also mobile and will bring her yoga to wherever you are.

“The sign of an advanced student is not advanced poses,
but the preparation one takes getting in to the pose.”

—Maty Ezraty


By private instruction, please call La`Ren at 808-987-6010 for arrangements.


In the Iyenger tradition with an Ashtanga influence, the Hatha “Fundamental” class is for students of all levels and is ideal for the novice introducing the most basic concepts of yoga asana (pose).   Not to be confused with an easy stretch nor for the faint of heart, this class explores the foundation of yoga with the intent of building strength and developing flexibility for proper alignment and posture.  For the more seasoned yogini, this class is excellent for redefining alignment, building stamina and developing balance to deepen an existing practice.


Ideal for those who are sampling Hatha yoga, beginning or returning to yoga late in life, those who are recovering from injuries or who have health concerns.  Enjoy the simplicity of a slow and easy practice while reaping the benefits of increased flexibility, balance and suppleness.


La`Ren’s Personalized Hatha Yoga class is tailored for your individual needs.  Benefit from one-on-one instruction that takes in to consideration your level of fitness and/or experience.  Your class might be a combination of Active Flow, Gentle Yoga, Fundamental or even Restorative Yoga.  Enhance flexibility, attain proper alignment, foster stability and poise, expand breath awareness, develop strength and endurance, improve mental focus and clarity, enhance your spiritual connection and much more.


La`Ren’s Restorative Hatha Yoga class is a stand alone class or an exceptional addendum to any hatha practice for increased flexibility and stability through quieting poses.   Following the ‘Less in More’ philosophy, this gentle practice has profound healing effects in body, mind and spirit: a time for the mind to settle and for the body to rejuvenate through asana supported by bolsters, blankets and blocks — specifically tailored for internal reflection and healing, cultivating balance and ease with breath work and meditation.


LaRen takes the benefits of a restorative practice to another level with the addition of Reiki in each restorative asana (pose).  If you are looking for a personal therapeutic experience to cultivate tranquility and harmony within, this is a class you will likely always remember.  Reiki helps to enhance a Spiritual connection while tapping in to the body’s own healing wisdom to balance the chakras (energy centers) and  teach self compassion and surrender on all levels physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  Opening the door for one to move to the para-sympatheitc nervous system where one conserves energy as the heart rate slows and the mind softens, this subtle practice can be beneficial for anyone and especially those dealing with anxiety, stress, dis-ease, fatigue, insomnia and many other conditions.  Each supported asana (pose) is held for several minutes while Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) is transmitted using a series of very gentle hand placements on the body.  Due to the unique nature of this peaceful practice, this experience is limited to one or two participants.


If you are ready to let your hair down and let the clown out, this class is for you.   The only thing laughter yoga shares with the asana practice of yoga is that one comes into total presence.  With no poses, this off-the-cuff class is fun for everyone.  What we don’t express in life, we repress which can lead to debilitating dis-ease.  Laughter releases pent up emotions and yields a host of other health benefits from reducing the heart rate to boosting the immune system.  Laughter combined with breathing, light stretching and silly exercises are merged together to create an often unforgettable experience. For more information, click here. Please note:  Laughter “Hasya”  sessions are priced differently from traditional Hatha yoga classes.  Please inquire directly with LaRen at 808-987-6010 or email her at for more information.

No prior yoga experience is necessary.
All ages and levels of fitness are welcome.




LOCATION: Enjoy personal yoga training in the privacy of your home,
vacation rental or business or practice privately at a studio in Holualoa at the Malama i ka Ola Holistic Health Center’s yoga studio (left photo) in Holualoa Village, or at Banyan Tree Sanctuary minutes above Kona (right photo)  or at the north end of the island in Pololu at Starseed Ranch when staying as their guest (facility and travel fee applies to the three latter options) and/or at the location of your choice (travel fee applies).



INVESTMENT: Private Hatha yoga classes are available at the rate of $150 for the first 90 minutes.  Thereafter, each additional hour is $100.  Rates are based on one or two students.  Additional participants increase rates, please inquire directly.  Please allow for a facility and/or travel fee for all private yoga classes.  If booking on-line for one to two students, please make appropriate selection below based upon location and length of class.  Private Hasya or Laughter yoga classes are individually priced per event.


Once confirmed, all fees are 100% non-refundable.  Reschedules are an additional $50.  No exceptions.


“The value of an intimate venue is unparalleled.
There is nothing more deeply enriching than being a
catalyst  to the transformative change in others,
a prevalent effect of a personalized experience.”

– La`Ren Kristen



Please call La`Ren directly at 808-987-6010 to reserve dates for private classes in advance or e-mail:  before submitting payment below.


Private Hatha yoga instruction for 1 to 2 students.

Please select appropriate travel and/or facility fee as well as length of class.

Private Hatha Yoga: 1 – 2 students – please select preference:

Enter e-mail and phone #:

Enter preferred dates/times:

If you are interested in scheduling a group Hatha yoga class for more than two students,
please contact La`Ren directly to make arrangements at 808-987-6010.

You will be sent an e-mail confirmation to verify availability and finalize all arrangements.
Once confirmed, all fees are 100% non-refundable. No exceptions.
In the event of an emergency, reschedules are $50.

Yoga as a Way of Life

Equally as important to the Yoga Asanas  (postures) are the Yamas (universal principles) and the Niyamas (individual principles).  While the Asanas are akin to the branches of a tree, the Yamas and Niyamas are the roots.   While many see yoga as merely a physical practice of the body, the foundation of yoga begins with right living.   In living yoga, a person learns self love for the intention of being self-full.  In so doing, a person then has more to give and to share with others.  Additionally, exploring the other limbs of Yoga offers personal connection to the Divine by way of breath, meditation and devotion.

(Universal Principles)

  1. Ahimsa:  Treat all things with care.
  2. Satya:  Speak the truth  from a place of love.
  3. Asteya:  Trust the universal law of  abundance; resist the belief in lack and the urge to take what is not yours.  Only the fear of lack results in impoverishment.  Wealth is an expression of personal empowerment.
  4. Brachacharya:  Live with freedom of sexual attachment; moderation  conserves  life force energy.
  5. Aparigraha:  Practice generosity of Spirit (non-greed) and personal responsibility for the life you create.

(Individual Principles)

  1.  Saucha:  Live with purity (care for one’s being and surroundings) to make room for the Divine.
  2.  Santosu:  Practice gratitude and a willingness to accept what is.
  3. Tapas:  Live with forward momentum (avoid lingering too long in a resting place.)
  4. Svadhyaya:  Engage in self study and reflection for growth and change.
  5. Isvarapanidhana:  Live with devotion to Spirit offering the fruits of your labors to the Divine.


Private Yoga In The Park

Take your Hatha yoga practice beyond your residence and beyond a studio space, practice privately with LaRen in a peaceful outdoor venue.   Choose from a park like setting on the north end of the Big Island or forego a facility fee and practice in one of Kona’s beautiful parks.
Please call LaRen for more information or click below to schedule today.

Yoga in the Park – select # of participants and travel fee:

Please select time:

Enter name and phone #:

Enter preferred dates:

As a reminder, once confirmed, all yoga fees are 100% non-refundable.


The Present is the Gift

Gift the gift of yoga – a true present.

Private Yoga Gift Certificate – please select preference:

Enter e-mail and phone#:

Enter preferred dates/times:

Please note that a travel fee is applied to all privates.
Please indicate your selection above based upon location.  A facility fee may also apply unless scheduled at a private residence, vacation rental, or another prearranged venue.
You will be sent an e-mail confirmation to verify availability and finalize all arrangements.
Once confirmed, all fees are 100% non-refundable.
In the event of an emergency, reschedules are $50.

What Yoginis are Saying

“I visited Hawaii a few years ago when my friend was  kind enough to include me in her private yoga lesson on the lawn with LaRen.  I will say that that single lesson I had with LaRen really opened my eyes to the proper practice of asana—aligning the body. It translates into proper practice of everything, in the end— finding right alignment in every corner of mundane and spiritual life . Since then, I have practiced yoga on my own, found a guru/teacher in India and gotten a yoga teacher certification in India as well as an Ayurveda certification. So, who knew at the time what was starting when my friend first allowed me to join that lesson.  I am so grateful for LaRen’s gracious guidance.  She has changed the way I look at and practice yoga and it has changed my life.”
– Kristina L., Boulder, CO

“During our family reunion and  Big Island get-a-way, we had a private laughter ‘Hasya’ yoga session with LaRen.
This was an all-around complete FUN yoga class including nice imagery, breathing and stretching exercises.  It included not only the primary laughing exercises but all of the other rituals of yoga.   We had an amazing time.  It helped us let go of inhibitions and brought our family together; it was very bonding.  Super Awesome!  I imagine this is an experience that our entire family will never forget.   LaRen is making a difference.  May she keep doing it.”

– The Garg Family, Chicago, IL and San Francisco, CA

yogi“My first time doing restorative yoga was a private session with LaRen.I really enjoyed the use of the props to fully melt in to the relaxing positions for a peaceful and nurturing experience.I felt parts of my body and my mind opening and releasing.This was very healing and I feel just great. I especially loved the outdoor venue with the birds joining in.”
– Chris S., Seattle, WA

“My son and I had a private yoga class with LaRen. We both practice regularly. This was by far the most instruction I have ever received. It was very informative and valuable for fostering a safe and more beneficial yoga practice. This experience definitely raises the bar for yoga poses for myself. No other instructor I have had has been as detailed, exact and/or as educational. I loved the demonstrations as I am much better visual leaner.  This was a great session, very helpful, motivating, and inspiring. On top of it all, it was held in a beautiful park setting. This class exceeded my every expectation.”
– Georgi S., Eagle River, WI

Yoga Athlete”My one-on-one experience with LaRen was precisely what I was looking for.  She helped me to discover what yoga can do for me and for my body and to connect with it in a way I never have before.
I love her teaching style and cannot see how it could be improved upon.”

– Kristen K., Captain Cook, HI

Jim C”LaRen helps me to discover new things about my body and my self every time I practice with her.  She beckons the body to open in its own time from within.  Being a no pain-no gain guy, this has been a suprisingly welcome experience for me.”
– Jim C., Hawi, HI

Buddha Avatar“”Mahalo for sharing a wealth of knowledge with us. I feel so blessed to have LaRen as a teacher and a friend. Devoted to yoga and to her students,  LaRen embraces her students no matter their age or abilities as she always patiently and lovingly teaches, guides and heals.   Every time after I attend LaRen’s class, the stiffness I often feel in my body is gone.  ”
– Jan I., Kailua Kona, HI

AvatarMy one-on-one yoga was a wonderful experience. I will use it to improve my posture, to build strength and to maintain proper alignment. My expectations were definitely exceeded. Beyond yoga, LaRen’s understanding of nutrition and health is inspiring. We had yoga class outside in a beautiful and natural environment, bordering the rainforest. I did get slightly cool as being from Scotland, we are used to heated spaces. She offered to move the yoga mats indoors if I was chilly where the space was warm and nice music was playing. She provided a healthy and delicious smoothie while we reviewed my take home lesson plan.  My experience could not have been any better.”
– Heather M., Shetland Isles, Scotland

Betty S1“I took a week long series of private classes.  I couldn’t have asked for anything better.  The instruction I got was exactly what I needed, not to mention the incredible view…I truly got all the information I need to have for my own home yoga practice. I feel like I have learned what yoga is for the first time, although I have been taking classes for over two years in Alaska. With great corrections on every pose, I will now be able to remember when I am on my own what I need to correct to be in proper alignment. I am so very grateful. My experience definitely exceeded my expectations in every way.
– Betty S., Ketchikan, AK

Deborah W1“La`Ren’s restorative yoga class is a deeply enriching experience.  After being away for one year, it was such a cellular memory of being bathed again in her gentle caring nature.  Her yoga is not like any other.
It is relaxing, opening and balancing on all levels.”

– Deborah W., Kailua Kona, HI

Robin S.“I have never been guided on the “fundamentals” of yoga.  This class transformed the way I practice.  What LaRen shared with me was so amazingly simple to adopt.  I have never experienced anyone with her knowledge of the principles and the foundation of each pose.  I am now getting the full benefit of yoga in a way I never knew was possible.
She has taken my practice to a whole new level.”

– Robin S., Kailua Kona, HI

Yoga Meditation“I took a private large group yoga class with LaRen. I was very pleased with the individual attention we all received (despite the large numbers).  This was one of my favorite experiences on vacation.
A great workout, but also extremely relaxing. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!”
– John W., San Francisco, CA

Yogi Girl“I finally found a teacher who can teach me.  LaRen’s style works very well for me.  She helps me to really ‘get’ yoga after having had many classes before.  She provides a great balance between action and recovery.  She motivates, inspires and allows her students to experience the opening and the strengthening in their own time.    I am super stoked to have found her.  I feel like I am finally progressing in my practice, thanks to her gift of teaching.
– Ashley M., Kailua Kona, HI

“ Worth every moment.  LaRen is multi-versed and may lead you through any number of yoga styles from an intense active workout, a basic elementary technical session, a therapeutic alignment class or she may cultivate a deeply relaxing yin experience.  You name it; she will deliver it.  I learn something new every time.
Her class will not only open your body, but will open your heart.”

– Martin K., Therapist, Athens, Greece

“I never thought about laughing just for the fun of it, nonetheless as a catalyst for healing.  LaRen facilitated a lovely  introduction to help me understand the value of laughter for the body and mind.   It was such a pleasure to share laughter yoga with LaRen.  It was hilarious  or as she said, ‘healarious’ and while I initially felt apprehensive, after the first 30 seconds I was sold.   She is goofy, quirky and bright, this is a gift she shares from her soul.
This was so much fun.  I will look for more of this back home. “

– Michael, Retired, San Diego, CA

Yoga Avatar



You are advised to consult a qualified licensed medical doctor before beginning any wellness, exercise and/or stretching regime.
Yoga is not meant to be a substitute for a one-on-one relationship with a qualified
medical professional and is not intended as medical advice.  Results vary widely;
yoga is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Hāla'i Healing Place
P.O. Box 1094
Kailua Kona, HI 96745

Journey to the Center of You - Renew