Special mahalo to Harry Wishard for permission to use his painting “Snowcapped Hawaii” ©2010
“The doctor of the future will give no medication,
but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame,
diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
– Thomas A. Edison
The mission of Hāla‘i Healing Place is to support and guide you in your journey of wellness by way of non-invasive therapies that stimulate your body’s self-correcting mechanisms and inner wisdom. Connecting people with resources of Spirit, the four elements, whole foods and with state-of-the-art health products and healing tools, we empower you to become self-reliant and responsible for your own well being. We facilitate optimal vitality offering the best preventive and remedial health care in Hawaii through basic cellular detoxification and nutritional replenishment coupled with heart centered vibrational energy healing. Specifically addressing issues of modern day environmental toxicity and electro-pollution, our intention is to provide solution oriented information to educate clients, share knowledge, experience, tools and present workshops to impart people with the means to heal. The goal of our gentle program is overall wellness, improved quality of life and extended longevity.