In an Apple Podcast with Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, MD and best selling author, speaks on creating a positive future. He reminds us that most people tend to create their futures unconsciously. With his insights we can shift from unconscious creation to conscious creation and literally move from victim to creator of our lives. Rather than allowing yourself to be directed by your past, realizing you are the writer, director, choreographer and hero of your own story is key. With this realization you can begin to create purposefully rather than by default or unconsciously. He says to use your memories but do not allow your memories to use you. Memories that replay repeatedly in one’s mind create a future story out of the past. This often happens unconsciously or automatically. Just as you breathe automatically and unconsciously you can bring your attention to your breathe and breathe very intentionally and consciously, you can do the same with your thoughts by bringing your awareness to your thoughts consciously and intentionally. To let go of the past and to step in to the present is the only way to free the future. It is all done in the eternal moment of the present through your present awareness of the now. He says,
“The most important time of our life is now…
…now is the moment that never ends.”
“The past is gone.
The future is not here.
Now I am free of both.
What am I choosing right now?”
– Deepak Chopra
Are you choosing joy? If yes, go forward in joy. If not, why not? It is a choice. He quotes the wisdom of a young boy he met in Africa who shared with him, “I remember the past and I learn from it. I rejoice in the present and I re-imagine the future.” How do we accomplish this? By moving into our breath and in to the present moment. He says to “STOP”
Take in three deep breaths.
Observe what is happening (you might repeat the above four statements to yourself).
Proceed with kindness and compassion to yourself and others.
According to Deepak and I agree, “The ultimate goal is to be happy. If you want to be happy, make someone else happy. If you want to find the right person, be the right person. If you want to see change in the world, become the change you want to see in the world as quoted by Mahatma Gandhi. In your personal transformation is the future transformation of the world. There is no social transformation in the absence of personal transformation.”
In my own life, I see this in my sadness with observing so much fear in the world during the pandemic. I am challenged to step in to love entirely and out of fear myself and in that way, I see more love in the world.
To help you further in your development to cultivate a more fulfilling life, he poses important questions to ask yourself:
“Who am I? (not what you do or what role you play but who are you really?)
What do I want?
What is my purpose in this life?
What are my unique skills and talents?
What do I expect in a meaningful relationship?”
He calls this your soul profile. Deepak says when you ask these questions of yourself, life will move in to the answers. He reminds you that this is not a biography which is really an ego profile. A biography is not who you are, it is what you do. You are being asked to reflect on who you are. Your answers should create joy for you and for others. He finishes the interview with this idea, good luck is not by accident but rather “good luck is a state of grace; spirit walking with you wherever you go.” I especially connect to spirit when alone in the presence of nature and find the answers inside of myself where I feel my spirit (through my breath) fully present in my body in the moment of now. Deepak challenges us to take it a step further to embrace the idea that we are not connecting to spirit but that spirit is what and who we are. As Wayne Dyer would often say, “We are not a human being having a spiritual experience, we are a spiritual being having a human experience.” Oprah reminds us through a conversation she had with another great teacher, “we don’t have a soul, we are a soul, we have a body.”
Resources and References:
Spiritual Solutions, Answers To Life’s Greatest Challenges by Deepak Chopra
Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations Deepak Chopra: Spiritual Solutions To listen to Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations podcast yourself, visit this link here and tune in for many more soul changing podcasts.
Be blessed.
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